Get treatment for all your dental needs.

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Replacing and reinforcing tooth structure is our bread and butter


  • We use composite resin material to replace tooth structure lost due to cavities or chipping.

  • Sometimes, your tooth needs extra structural reinforcement in order to provide lasting function. We have a variety of materials to protect your tooth such as porcelain, gold, and zirconia.

  • Replacing missing teeth can be done in a nonsurgical manner with the use of a bridge. We utilize adjacent teeth as anchors to carry a false tooth. With proper hygiene, bridges are a suitable and lasting method for replacing teeth.

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cosmetic dentistry, veneers, Invisalign, cosmetic dentist

Enhance your smile with us

  • With the use of porcelain and our in-house lab technicians, we can give you the smile you have always imagined. Before the restorations are cemented in, Dr. Sy will make sure you are fully happy with your new look.

  • We make custom trays specifically made to fit the shape of your teeth. Whether you have a big event coming up or are just a fan of coffee and wine, you can refresh your smile at your own convenience.

  • Repositioning your teeth to be straighter and out of the shadows can make a world of difference. Aside from the cosmetic benefits, moving teeth can also make them easier to clean and come together better when you bite .


dental implants, implant dentistry, cosmetic dentistry

Replace what you have lost

We only work with the best board certified surgeons in the area who have received formal specialty training in implant surgery. Proper technique and surgical planning is paramount in ensuring your implant is placed in the ideal position.

After your implant is fully integrated into your jaw, we use parts manufactured directly from the implant company to create your implant crown. We then cast those parts to be customized to your gum architecture because we understand the biological and mechanical forces at play that affect the longevity of your implant crown.


The best dental care preserves what you have

Dental Hygiene

We have a skilled team of dental hygienists that skillfully remove plaque and bacteria that can destroy your gum and bone. Periodontal disease affects 70% of individuals over the age of 65. Working to prevent or slow the rate of this disease is particularly important as we are living longer and enjoying more meals.

Non Invasive Interventions

Patient education is a lifelong endeavor. From showing you proper hygiene technique, to introducing you to different tools that can help you better clean your teeth, we work with you to accommodate your specific tooth and gum architecture. We also offer a variety of products such as dry mouth rinses, high fluoride toothpastes, fluoride varnish, and different sized inter proximal brushes.

“Dr. Sy and her team were thorough, caring, and overall fantastic. You can tell they all really enjoy dentistry and take the time to explain what’s going on in your mouth”

-Elle M.

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